Wednesday, February 22, 2012

You should be outraged.

I've been largely silent publicly about the political goings on of late. My husband has heard it all and he is fairly sick of it, but that's between him and me.

I need to say a few things about the rather brazen way the Republican party has been taking or attempting to take things away from women. With the denial of Equal Pay just 15 months ago, the Zygote Personhood Movement -which is a neat little backdoor to taking down Roe V Wade - and now the call to not only allow companies and insurance providers to refuse coverage for prenatal testing and/or birth control but the call to strike FREE prenatal testing and birth control from health plans - the Affordable Care Act calls for these services to be offered free and without copay - on the basis of religious objection.

Now, I won't attack any specific politicians here because this isn't about a single person. This is about a group of people who seem to feel women should be given less or that they've been given too much already. This is 2012 and I am being told that, because I am a woman, I shouldn't be offered free health services by healthcare providers because someone who claimes to be a Christian objects to those services. AND I also shouldn't be given the right to be paid the same salary as someone who has a penis. Apparently, making equal pay a MANDATORY thing would cause "undue burden on small businesses".

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Republican representatives of all states both male and female alike - Are you fucking kidding me? You know, while I'm at it - SHAME ON YOU, US Chamber of Commerce for using small business as a scapegoat for your opposition to progressive legislations! 28% of small business owners are of the female persuasion and you are holding them back.

If you aren't actively supporting women's rights, then you are actively hindering the progress of women toward equality. I choose to take a stand here and now. I will not wait until its time to vote to call for you ALL to be kicked out of office. OUR tax dollars pay YOUR salaries. You are supposed to be working FOR us, not AGAINST us.

"to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed" - Men. As in Mankind. Not men meaning people of the male gender. I take back my consent to be governed by those who would not see me as their equal. You are not above me or any other citizen. You have been given the power to govern by the citizens and we can take it back.

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